Tuesday, January 11, 2011

It's been too long!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I can't believe it's been over a month since my last post. The holidays were wonderful over here, but the time just flew by!

My favorite part of Christmastime in Vienna was the Christmas markets. I'm familiar with this tradition from spending a year abroad in Germany ten years ago, and was so excited to learn that Vienna has several Christmas markets throughout the city. One of the most beautiful markets happened to be on the university campus right in front of my German class. I took a few photos of the market during a beautiful snowfall. Here's to give you an idea of what it looked like:

Speaking of my German class, I passed! I was SO relieved to receive my passing score for the course. Our grades were based solely on the final exam: oral, writing, and reading, and it was extremely challenging. Two students didn't pass! We had a party the last day of class, where everyone brought a traditional holiday dish from their native country.
This was my idea. :)

After the party, a few of us went to one of the beer gardens on campus (indoors, of course!)

Peter, our German professor, and Marta, one of my classmates from Poland.

My class! (Sorry it's a bit blurry.)

Marta from Poland, me, Jan Paul from the Netherlands, and Joanna from Greece

I took several trips to the Spittelberg Christmas Market. The Spittelberg market was so charming because it was set up throughout the tiny cobblestone streets and had the most beautiful hand-made gifts. This market was also a lot less touristy than the others, and much more quaint. I took Jay to Spittelberg on his last night in Vienna. Unfortunately Jay was only here for one semester and now he's back in Bloomington. I miss having him here!

I walked out of a coaching at the Staatsoper in mid-December, and was just overwhelmed by how beautiful the city looked all lit up for Christmas. Here's what I saw:

I spent Christmas in Upper Austria with the Herkners at Harald's parents' huge farm house. It was so kind of them to include me in all of their family holiday traditions, and they made me feel like part of the family for Christmas. In Austira, the Christkind (a.k.a. Jesus) comes on Christmas Eve. He sets up the tree, decorates it (usually lit with real candles) and places the presents under the tree. It was so sweet being a part of this tradition, since Vinzenz still believes. We all left the house for several hours on Christmas Eve day so that the "Christkind" could come to set everything up. (If the children are home, he doesn't come!) When we got home, we had dinner and then heard a little bell. The dinging of the bell meant that we could go into the living room because the Christkind was finished. We all sang Christmas carols around the tree and then it was absolute CHAOS once the boys started opening their gifts!

Table setting for Christmas (it's actually a ping pong table!)

On Christmas Eve day, we visited the church where Harald's parents were married. This is Harald's Mother with Vinzi.

We found a snowman!

The Christmas tree was so big, unfortunately the is the best shot I could get. Those are real candles!

At about 11:30 on Christmas Eve, we walked to church for midnight mass. The church was a couple of miles from the house, and it was freeeezing cold! This brass quintet was playing outside.

Christmas Day was full of family, playing probably fifty games of UNO with Vinzi, and TONS of food.

Once they had permission by their Grandmother, all of the grandchildren took actual hammers and destroyed this gingerbread house.

The view from my room on Christmas morning.

Vinzi was excited to play ANOTHER game of Uno with me. :)

The grandparents transformed their attic area into an ultimate playroom for the kids.
Vinzi showed me tricks on his new mountain bike from the Christkind.

Alma hiding from me.

I love this picture of the cousins: Laura and Lolo.

Here's the farmhouse.

Vinzi was too cold to continue sled riding. I don't blame him!

This is the "Rose Room", where I slept.

Spending Christmas in Upper Austria was very special, but I was ready to head back to Vienna for my boyfriend Marco's, visit! Marco arrived a few days before New Year's Eve, and stayed until January 7th. It was so great spending time with him here, and I loved showing him around the city. Here are some of the photos from his trip:

Harald and Irmgard gave me 2 tickets to Hänsel und Gretel at the Volksoper for Christmas. It was a great production, and we were very impressed with the singing. I'd love to play Hänsel someday!

On our way to see "Die Fledermaus" at the Volksoper on New Year's Eve!
(I don't know if I've already mentioned this, but the Volksoper is a two minute walk from the Herkner's apartment!)

This was the perfect way to ring in the new year. The singers really connected with the audience. It just felt like one big party, actually! Unfortunately, some of the characters spoke with a very thick Viennese dialect, so I had a tough time understanding a lot of the jokes. Viennese will be my next language!

In the Volksoper.

After the opera, Marco and I headed downtown. We drank Glühwein and danced to very typical Austrian folk-pop music. At midnight, they played Strauss's "Blue Danube" and everyone started waltzing on the street. I think Marco and I were the best waltzers. :)

Braving the cold at the Schönbrunn Christmas/New Year Market

At the Staatsoper for "Barber of Seville" (Standing Room, of course)

We stood way up there at the top.

In the Lobby of the Staatsoper

Marco and I found this cute little restaurant that is apparently in a 500 year old building! It used to be a pretzel factory, and now they have the best apple strudel around.

Marco in front of the Pretzel restaurant.

Marco is also a singer, and he was able to have a few coachings with David, my coach at the Staatsoper, while he was here.

Speaking of singing, I have several auditions lined up within the next few months, so send good vibes! I'm headed to Berlin a week from Friday, and from there I'll be taking a train to Munich for another audition. Vienna is a wonderful city, but I'm so looking forward to seeing what else is out there. I haven't been to Germany since 2006, so this will be a great adventure, and hopefully I'll get a job out of it, too!

Again, I'm sorry that it took me so long to post, and that this one is SOOOO long!

I hope you all had a wonderful holiday, and that 2011 is getting off to a great start. I miss you all, and will write soon!

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